


Hello, I’m Matt Debono the craftsman and creator of Debono NZ.

Here is a bit about myself and our Business

For years I’ve had a passion for working with wood, so I slowly started building a workshop while I was in the Army in order to rebuild my family’s 35 foot wooden sailboat. Some left over Teak and a love for spearfishing led me to start building spearguns as a hobby.

Eventually, this became a passion and I decided to make a business out of it. My goal is to build sleek spearguns with top notch components to strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and practicality. Myself and my wife Rach work tirelessly to further our brand and ensure that every customers is more than happy with their purchase.

Wooden spearguns don’t only just look good, they do perform better than guns built from other materials due to their higher density leading to reduced recoil, perfect balance, and rigidity. Being a local spearo, I understand the setups required for diving our country’s beautiful coastlines, but I can also provide the right weapon for targeting big pelagics in NZ or abroad.

As soon as you enter the water with your new Debono Speargun, you will know what I am talking about in regards to a perfect balance and that will set the standards of what to expect from the gun’s performance when you line up that first fish!